Better Quality of Life for Those Who
Need it Most
At Friends of JCDS, we are an organization that helps people with disabilities in Johnson County, Kansas. We devote our time to addressing unmet needs for individuals served by Johnson County Developmental Supports. This looks different every hour of the day and every day of the week.

We Listen.
We’re constantly in contact with residential staff that works in homes that are owned by Friends. What needs to be improved? What could we do better? And sometimes, OH NO! What broke?

We Learn.
We regularly meet with parents and guardians. Who best knows the stories and needs of the individuals served? We want to genuinely know the people who live in our homes and know what works best for them.

We Build Relationships.
Volunteers we love them! What great things they do. So we come together, we percolate great ideas, and we GET THINGS done! A firm rule of thumb, we won’t ask you to do anything we wouldn’t.
Thank You To Our Sponsors
Over the years we have been successful because of the heartfelt donations and support from our friends.